
Where Is Alexandria The Walking Dead

Alexandria Safe-Zone
Created by Robert Kirkman
Charlie Adlard
Cliff Rathburn
In-universe information
Type Walled community
Ruler TV:
Aaron (current)
Gabriel Stokes (formerly)
Michonne (formerly)
Rick Grimes (formerly)
Deanna Monroe (formerly)
Rick Grimes (formerly)
Douglas Monroe (formerly)
Alexander Davidson (formerly)
Locations Alexandria, Virginia
Washington, D.C.

The Alexandria Condom Zone is a location in the Image Comics serial The Walking Dead, as well every bit a location in the AMC boob tube series of the aforementioned name.

Comic volume series [edit]

In The Walking Dead comic volume serial, The Alexandria Safe-Zone, or only Alexandria, is a few blocks of cleared streets in Alexandria, Virginia, about 6 miles from Washington, D.C. When Rick Grimes' survivor group arrived, Douglas Monroe stated that the customs had existed for less than a year. To appointment, this is the longest lasting location the survivors have lived in, with a lifespan of almost three years. In the war against Negan, Alexandria suffered considerable damage and was overrun and temporarily abandoned. After the war's end, the survivors came dorsum to Alexandria and started to rebuild it. 2 years after the war, Alexandria was completely rebuilt and has been vastly improved, with the addition of new houses, crops and orchards.

Inhabitants [edit]

  • Magna (de facto leader of the community/soldier)
  • Eugene Porter (caput of ammunition)
  • Heath (soldier)
  • Mikey (pupil/delivery boy)
  • Annie (farmhand/soldier)
  • Julia (seamstress)
  • Vincent (soldier)
  • Yumiko (soldier)
  • Kelly (soldier)
  • Connie (soldier)
  • Siddiq (architect)
  • Marco (soldier)
  • Laura (soldier)
  • Barbara
  • Anna
  • Carlos (lookout)
  • Paul
  • Tanya
  • Aiko
  • David
  • Wesley
  • Delbert
  • Nathaniel
  • Alex Cooper
  • Annie'southward father

Expressionless residents

  • Rick Grimes (Onetime Leader of the community)
  • Dwight (former leader of the military)
  • Paula
  • Andrea Grimes (former lookout)
  • Gabriel Stokes (former priest)
  • Kershaw
  • Rosita Espinosa
  • Luke
  • Erin
  • Josh
  • Olivia (former arsenal/inventory managing director)
  • Nicholas
  • Denise Cloyd (sometime community doctor)
  • John
  • Charles
  • Mr. Orson
  • Mrs. Orson
  • Betsy
  • Holly (onetime construction worker)
  • Eric (former recruiter)
  • Spencer Monroe
  • Glenn
  • Abraham Ford (former foreman)
  • Douglas Monroe (former leader of the community)
  • Jessie Anderson
  • Ron Anderson
  • Morgan Jones
  • Tobin (erstwhile foreman)
  • Bruce (former construction worker)
  • Peter Anderson (one-time community medico)
  • Regina Monroe
  • Scott (erstwhile supply runner)
  • Beth
  • Barnes
  • Richards
  • Jessica
  • Carter

Former residents [edit]

  • Maggie Greene
  • Sophia Grimes
  • Carl Grimes
  • Aaron (former recruiter)
  • Paul Monroe
  • Michonne Hawthorne
  • Juanita Sanchez
  • Darius (former lookout)
  • Alexander Davidson (former leader of the customs)

Television serial [edit]

In The Walking Dead telly series, the Alexandria Safe-Zone appears in the fifth flavour and is led by Deanna Monroe (a female adaptation and analogue of the comic book series' Douglas Monroe). The Safety-Zone was created after refugees were directed there during the initial outbreak. Rick Grimes and his group find this safe haven subsequently they meet Aaron, whose job is to recruit new residents in order to make Alexandria stronger. At offset, Rick's grouping is apprehensive upon inflow due to the many horrific things they have witnessed during their long sojourn outside The Condom-Zone'south walls. After some fourth dimension, even so, the group appears to sink in and feel more comfortable in this new environment, with the exception of Daryl Dixon and Sasha, who are struggling after the contempo losses of Beth Greene, Tyreese, and Bob. Rick and his group remember that settling into this place will brand them weak, and that the Alexandrians are already weak and do not know what they are doing. Rick plans to change this. He says, "If they tin't make it, then we'll just take this identify".

Rick, Daryl, and Carol devise a plan to become weapons from the armory and slip out with the others, unbeknownst to the rest of the group, who are feeling comfortable in Alexandria. The three take advantage of the naivete of Alexandria's people to the extent of the dangers surrounding them, and apply this to sneak out their weapons. Later on finalizing a program, the three behave every bit normal residents. Eventually, Rick gets into a fight with an abusive surgeon named Pete Anderson later on finding out he has abused his wife, Jessie, and ends up pointing a .38 Colt Detective Special revolver at some of the Alexandrians. Rick is thrown in jail, for a "cooling-off" period, and Pete is forced to alive separately from his family. The people of Alexandria hold a forum to decide what to do with Rick, with Deanna leaning toward banishment, just after Pete shows up and murders Deanna's husband, during Pete's endeavour to assassinate Rick, Deanna orders Rick to execute Pete and decides that Rick should stay. Rick's group ends up staying and more closely integrating with Alexandria and its residents.

In the sixth season, Rick is at present the co-leader of Alexandria alongside Deanna and starts to take precautions to keep the community safe. Alexandria is soon attacked past "The Wolves", leaving many of its residents dead or emotionally harmed, but makes some of its residents stronger, learning that "If yous don't fight, you die." This is closely followed past a herd that is led to the walls of Alexandria on a mission to get the herd away that had gone wrong. Inside, the residents are panicked, but Rick assures them that the walls volition stay upward. However, after a while, the church building tower falls downward due to harm inflicted on it during the Wolves' attack and crashes through the wall, letting walkers swarm in. Rick and the group forth with Deanna, Jessie, and her family unit seek refuge in the houses, but are forced to get out after they too are overrun. Deanna was bit when the walkers came through, and stays backside. Rather than committing suicide, she opts to apply her remaining bullets to have out several walkers, giving the others a better chance at escaping. They attempt to leave Alexandria through camouflaging themselves in walker guts merely their programme comes unstuck when Sam (Jessie's youngest son) panics and, by drawing attending to the group, is consumed alongside his mother. The last of the Anderson children aims his gun at Rick but is killed past Michonne before he fires, merely as he dies accidentally shoots Carl in his right centre, wounding him terribly. Rick, Carl and Michonne make it to the infirmary where Carl is given emergency treatment. Consumed by rage Rick exits the surgery and begins slaughtering walkers and is joined by virtually of the rest of the town. Afterwards the horde is defeated, the townspeople build up the town and form a relationship with the Hilltop Colony and come up into conflict with the Saviors.

In the 7th flavor, Alexandria falls under the control of Negan and the Saviors who confiscate all of the community'south weapons and destroy all of their mattresses. After the escape of Daryl Dixon from the Sanctuary and the murders of Spencer Monroe and Olivia, the residents showtime fighting back again, forging an alliance with the Hilltop, the Kingdom, Oceanside and the Scavengers. In addition, several of the main characters leave Alexandria and settle at the Hilltop and the Kingdom instead. In the season finale, the Saviors launch an attack on Alexandria with the aid of the defecting Scavengers, but the attack is pushed dorsum with the aid of reinforcements from the Hilltop and the Kingdom.

In the eighth season, many of the residents join the Militia in fighting the Saviors. Even so, later on the Saviors cake out of the Militia's blockade, they assault the communities, bombing Alexandria and destroying much of the safe-zone. With the help of a lark by Dwight, most of the residents evacuate into the sewers while making the Saviors call up that they fled into the forest. On Dwight's proposition, the residents remain in the sewers until the bombing is over and then evacuate through a swamp to the Hilltop for safety. As Carl Grimes was earlier bitten and is dying, Rick and Michonne remain behind in the devastated boondocks with him every bit Carl dies. After burying Carl, Rick and Michonne leave as walkers, drawn by the bombing, first to overrun Alexandria. Despite this, in the flavour finale, Alexandria'due south residents return following the defeat of the Saviors and rebuild their town. A captured Negan is imprisoned in Alexandria rather than being killed.

In the 9th season, Alexandria has been fully rebuilt and is thriving under the leadership of Rick who tries to pb the communities into a new era of peace. After the supposed death of Rick and the eventual fall of the Sanctuary, Alexandria becomes home to several one-time Saviors and is at present led by a governing council headed by Gabriel Stokes and with Michonne having a veto ability as the head of security. Information technology is also thriving more than e'er and has been greatly congenital up over time. Flashbacks reveal that a hostile group led by Michonne'due south old friend Joycelyn kidnapped the boondocks's children before Michonne and Daryl rescued them. As a result, Alexandria has developed a more isolationist mentality and is largely estranged from the other communities although Aaron works with Jesus to keep some relations open in cloak-and-dagger. Judith Grimes brings in a group of survivors led by Magna who Michonne refuses to let stay, but eventually relents and leads them to the Hilltop instead. During this time, Negan has remained imprisoned with Gabriel working to endeavor to rehabilitate him. A new threat known as the Whisperers starts to draw the communities back together while Negan eventually escapes, but willingly chooses to render to his imprisonment rather than be alone. Michonne eventually relents and allows the council to ship a delegation to the Kingdom's merchandise fair after being reminded of their close ties by Judith. The council agrees to grant Lydia, the girl of the Whisperer leader Alpha, asylum in Alexandria and the communities sign a lease that Michonne had been creating before Rick's disappearance tying them together once more. However, Alpha infiltrates the trade off-white, kidnaps several people and massacres them. Using the threat of a horde of tens of thousands of walkers, Alpha establishes a border that the communities cannot cross without drawing her wrath. Months subsequently, the Kingdom falls to old age and Alexandria helps to evacuate the residents to the Hilltop during a massive blizzard. During the same blizzard, Negan risks his own life to save Judith subsequently she runs off in search of Daryl's domestic dog. Once the blizzard is over, several residents of the Kingdom move to Alexandria including Ballad, Daryl and Lydia.

In the tenth flavour, Alexandria and the other communities struggle under the threat of the Whisperers while training to fight dorsum confronting them. Alexandria faces repeated walker attacks over a several 24-hour interval period and a cholera outbreak that is acquired by the Whisperer third-in-control Mary, also known as Gamma, contaminating their h2o supply while a Whisperer spy within of the community spray paints "Silence the Whisperers" graffiti, stokes paranoia and sabotages the water filters so that the contaminated water tin become to the residents. During a fight with a group of bullies to protect Lydia, Negan accidentally kills Margo, the leader of the Highwaymen who settled in Alexandria post-obit the autumn of the Kingdom. Negan so mysteriously escapes and eventually joins the Whisperers. After leaving with a new survivor, Virgil, in search of weapons, Michonne discovers a clue to the possible location of Rick and sets out in search of him. Siddiq somewhen discovers that the new community doctor, Dante, is really the Whisperer spy and is murdered by Dante to cover upwards the secret. Captured, Dante is somewhen killed by Gabriel for his crimes. Shortly thereafter, Beta infiltrates the community in search of the defecting Mary using a subconscious tunnel established past Dante. Beta kills several residents, including councilmember and former Savior Laura, after the other Whisperers depict many of the armed defenders away, but Beta is fatigued out of Alexandria by Mary and he is forced to flee empty-handed by the returning defenders. The Hilltop falls to a massive Whisperer attack, just Alpha is assassinated by Negan who was in fact released by the vengeful Carol and infiltrated the Whisperers. Afterwards taking over, Beta leads the Whisperer horde to Alexandria, but to find it abandoned by the residents save for Aaron and Alden who are secretly observing from the windmill, the surviving communities having evacuated to an abandoned hospital that they had dubbed the Tower. Following the final defeat of the Whisperers, the residents return to Alexandria, accompanied by Maggie and her grouping, only to find that the Whisperers had burned the wall and destroyed the community's crops before leaving, forcing the residents, now joined by many of the Hilltop survivors, to scramble to find nutrient. With tensions rising betwixt Negan and Maggie, Carol banishes Negan from Alexandria, but he subsequently chooses to return to stay for expert despite the threat of Maggie killing him if Negan remains.

In the eleventh season, Alexandria is struggling with the residents facing possible starvation due to the impairment that the Whisperers' had caused to their food supply. The damaged wall also results in herds occasionally getting in and causing chaos. A mission to Fort Connors retrieves enough MREs to purchase the community some time, just not much. As a issue, Maggie, Negan, Daryl, Gabriel, Alden and several other residents launch a mission to Maggie's old village of Meridian in guild to reclaim it and its supplies from the Reapers. However, most of the team are killed in a Reaper ambush while the remainder struggle to defeat their military-trained enemies. At the same time, another team returns to the ruins of the Hilltop in an endeavor to recover some blacksmithing supplies to try to repair the damaged wall. At that place, they acquire that a few Whisperers had survived and are trying to make a living in the ruins. Their leader, Keith, directs the group to where they had recently seen the missing Connie, allowing her friends to rescue Connie and Virgil who returns to Alexandria with them. Shortly after their return, a massive storm strikes Alexandria, bravado down a part of the damaged wall and causing a herd to invade the customs who desperately tries to deal with the walkers while too weathering the storm at the same fourth dimension. Despite the dangers, the community manages to eliminate the herd and put out the fire without suffering any loses. Presently thereafter, the surviving members of Maggie'due south squad return with the food from Tiptop and Eugene arrives with Lance Hornsby and the Republic. A number of Alexandria'southward residents move to the Commonwealth or join Maggie in rebuilding the Hilltop. As role of their new alliance, the Democracy provides Alexandria with much needed resources and aids the community in rebuilding.

Inhabitants [edit]

  • Aaron (Leader/Caput Councilmember)
  • Kyle (Councilmember)
  • Gracie
  • Barbara (Babysitter)
  • Scott (Supply Runner)
  • Adam Sutton
  • Virgil
  • Vincent
  • Kim
  • Nora (Councilmember)
  • Alice
  • Mrs. Robinson
  • Marcus
  • Jonah
  • Jen
  • Wayne
  • Beak
  • Andy
  • Donna

Expressionless residents

  • Frost
  • Agatha
  • Duncan
  • Cole
  • Cuff (Soldier)
  • Laura (Councilmember/Prison Guard)
  • Alfred
  • Siddiq (Community Doctor/Councilmember)
  • Cheryl
  • Margo
  • Frankie
  • D.J. (Former Guard)
  • Russ (Former Baby-sit)
  • Bob Miller
  • Carl Grimes
  • Kent
  • Anna
  • Mikey
  • Eric Raleigh (Former Recruiter)
  • Francine (Former Construction Worker)
  • Olivia (Quondam Inventory Director)
  • Spencer Monroe (Former Lookout)
  • Glenn Rhee (Former Supply Runner)
  • Abraham Ford (Former Structure Foreman)
  • Denise Cloyd (Former Community Doctor)
  • Ron Anderson
  • Jessie Anderson (Former Pantry Worker)
  • Sam Anderson
  • Deanna Monroe (Quondam Leader)
  • Pascal
  • Ted
  • Lucy
  • Maya
  • Nicholas (Former Supply Runner)
  • David
  • Tommy (Former Construction Worker)
  • Annie (Former Supply Runner)
  • Betsy
  • Will (Quondam Supply Runner)
  • Sturgess (Former Gardener)
  • Barnes
  • Stacy
  • Bobby (Former Guard)
  • Michael
  • Holly (Erstwhile Gate Duty)
  • Erin
  • Samantha
  • Jeffery
  • Dinesh
  • Dan
  • Charlyne
  • O'Hara
  • Adrian
  • Richards (Former Guard)
  • Park
  • Natalie Miller
  • Shelly Neudermeyer
  • Carter (Sometime Construction Worker)
  • Pete Anderson (Former Community Doctor)
  • Reg Monroe (Onetime Community Architect)
  • Noah (Former Supply Runner)
  • Aiden Monroe (Former Supply Runner)
  • Carter Dilley
  • Jeremy Freeborn
  • Alvin Jerry
  • Annabel Culver
  • Brian Struzan
  • Kim Myso
  • Jessica Molla
  • Elizabeth Browne
  • Lucy Wong
  • Bruce (One-time Construction Worker)
  • Tobin (Former Construction Foreman)

Quondam Residents [edit]

  • Daryl Dixon
  • Judith Grimes
  • R.J. Grimes
  • Rosita Espinosa
  • Socorro Espinosa
  • Carol Peletier
  • Gabriel Stokes (One-time Priest/Head Councilmember/De-Facto Leader)
  • Magna
  • Connie
  • Kelly
  • Jerry (Former Soldier)
  • Nabila
  • Ezra
  • Aliyah
  • Mariam
  • Maggie Rhee (Sometime Govern Banana)
  • Hershel Rhee
  • Elijah
  • Dianne (Onetime Soldier)
  • Lydia
  • Negan Smith (Former Janitor/Supply Runner)
  • Michonne Hawthorne (Former Leader/Head of Security/Councilmember)
  • Eugene Porter (Onetime Engineer)
  • Rick Grimes (Quondam Leader)
  • Morgan Jones
  • Heath (Former Supply Runner)


  • Davidson
  • Dante (Former Doctor)
  • Brandon (Erstwhile Prison Guard)
  • Tara Chambler (Former Supply Runner)
  • Enid
  • Sasha Williams (Sometime Guard)

Evolution and reception [edit]

In a review of the 5th-season episode "Remember", in which Alexandria offset appeared on the Goggle box series, Tim Surette of Television noted that "Alexandria is no Woodbury, and that'due south a expert thing, because we certainly don't need a repeat of that storyline. Not only Andrea is no longer effectually to screw things up with her love for bad boys, but overall, Alexandria appears to have its shit together much more than Woodbury always did. That departure is important, considering 'Remember' approached the idea of joining a new civilization in a much better way, by focusing on the survivors' psyches afterward a hot shower rather than but presenting them with the mere prospect of safety." Surette concluded that "A return to normalcy is Alexandria's biggest selling bespeak, and it's difficult for Deanna to imagine anyone turning that down".[1] Rebecca Hawkes of The Daily Telegraph described Alexandria as "brilliantly realised, with houses that would accept been luxurious by any standards, let alone postal service-apocalyptic ones, and a veneer of all-American suburban 'normality' that rendered the entire place somewhat surreal."[2]

In a review of the next episode "Forget", Sean McKenna for TV Fanatic felt that Sasha's outburst at the complacent townspeople shows that "Alexandria really seems like a surreal fantasy." McKenna added that "the sort-of dreamlike temper that surrounds the walled-in boondocks and the survivors figuring out how to alive there (and still hold onto their outside skills) has been intriguing."[3]

In reviewing the 5th flavour finale "Conquer", Jason Hughes of TheWrap commented that before the attack by the Wolves, "Alexandria has been an oasis of innocence isolated from this dark and twisted earth, but it's an innocence that has non all the same been tested."[4] Erik Kain for Forbes commented that after the attack by the Wolves, "we're left with an Alexandria Rubber Zone that doesn't feel that safe, with its numbers much diminished, simply at least maybe now the inhabitants are awake to the real threat---and to the value of Rick and his crew."[v]

In reviewing the season half dozen mid-season finale "Start to Stop", Zack Handlen of The A.V. Society comments that equally the walls barbarous and a horde of walkers pours in, "Alexandria is most likely expressionless. Which should be a shame, because this is a town that offered the promise of a fresh start, a hope for the hereafter, but so, that's kind of what this show is all about, really."[half dozen]

References [edit]

  1. ^ Surette, Tim (March 2, 2015). "The Walking Dead "Remember" Review: Our Boondocks". Retrieved March 5, 2015.
  2. ^ Hawkes, Rebecca (March 2, 2015). "The Walking Dead, review: 'gripping'". The Daily Telegraph . Retrieved March 5, 2015.
  3. ^ "The Walking Dead Flavor 5 Episode xiii Review: Is This Real?". TV Fanatic. Retrieved 2017-03-20 .
  4. ^ Hughes, Jason (March 29, 2015). "'The Walking Dead' Season Finale Review: A New Danger Lurks Outside Alexandria's Walls". TheWrap . Retrieved March 30, 2015.
  5. ^ Kain, Erik (March thirty, 2015). "'The Walking Dead' Season 5 Finale Review: Kill Or Be Conquered". Forbes . Retrieved March thirty, 2015.
  6. ^ Handlen, Zack (November 29, 2015). "Walking Dead shuffles through its midseason finale". The A.V. Society . Retrieved November 29, 2015.


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