
Does Heimdall Have The Soul Stone

I Watched Every Marvel Motion-picture show In One Weekend And Now I'm Convinced The Soul Rock Is In Wakanda

Alright, people, let's dig into this whole mess.

***This post contains spoilers for every Curiosity Cinematic Universe movie, including Blackness Panther, and then continue with circumspection!***

Nosotros're about a calendar month abroad from Avengers: Infinity State of war, a movie the Marvel Cinematic Universe has been building to for almost a decade.


Other than who'south going to dice (cough Loki), the final big mystery going into Infinity War is how Thanos, the Mad Titan, volition become ahold of the Infinity Stones.


Fifty-fifty if you've been sort of half-following the Curiosity movies, you probably know what that Thanos wants to complete the Infinity Gauntlet — basically a large magic glove that needs six magic stones to fully power it.


The first time we see Thanos put on the gauntlet is during a mail-credits scene in Avengers: Age of Ultron.


So far, after 18 movies, we have come across five of the half dozen stones. The 6th, the Soul Stone, is nevertheless missing. The question becomes: where is the Soul Stone?

If you're puzzled almost the Infinity Stones, this might assistance! Movies they're featured in, their containment devices, and who has them at present.

Short answer: It's in Wakanda. We'll walk through why, but get-go, let'southward rule out another popular theory.


Plainly, fans are obsessed with the rock's location. The most prominent theory is the "T.H.A.N.O.S. theory" — that Thanos's name is actually an acronym for the location of all the stones.

The "T.H.A.N.O.Due south. theory" seems to point in the direction of Heimdall from the Thor films being the "H" and having the Soul Stone. Which seems like it makes sense.


Nosotros know Asgardians have been trying to lock upward Infinity Stones for millennia. Also, Heimdall has glowing orange eyes, which is the colour of the Soul Stone.

And glowing eyes exercise seem to be a symptom of Infinity Stone possession.

In Thor: The Dark Earth, Heimdall says he can run across all the souls in the nine realms, explaining his omniscience.

Also, during Thor's vision in Historic period of Ultron (that totally wasn't just an Infinity State of war trailer), Heimdall is blind.


Fans accept taken this to hateful that Thanos volition remove the Soul Stone from him and he'll lose his vision.

But other than that, Heimdall's powers don't really line up with the backdrop of the Soul Stone.


In the comics, the Soul Stone has some very specific properties:

• It's sentient.

• It can attack someone's soul.

• It can use an power called "Cold Light of Truth" to reveal information about someone's soul.

• It can trap souls inside of itself in an idyllic pocket dimension.

• Its wielder can access the memories and skills of those imprisoned within the pocket dimension.

• Information technology can likewise revert beings to their natural state.

(Note: In the comics, the Infinity Stones are called Infinity Gems and they accept different colors than they exercise in the movies.)

Heimdall (or anyone) secretly being an Infinity Stone doesn't too really fit the blueprint of how the Marvel films introduce Infinity Stones, though. First up was the Infinite Stone.


We first come across the Space Rock in Helm America: The Showtime Avenger. Hydra agents find the stone in Norway and become obsessed with using its container, the Tesseract, as a really powerful battery. Captain America shows upward, flings the Red Skull into space, and and then leaves information technology on the bottom of the ocean.

Howard Stark finds the Tesseract, says probably the worst thing you can maybe say in the Marvel universe, "Seems harmless enough," and so starts trying to utilize it to power S.H.I.E.Fifty.D. technology. Loki steals it from Southward.H.I.Eastward.50.D. in the first Avengers motion-picture show and opens a portal to space above New York, a lot of people get hurt, and so finally it ends up back in Odin'southward vault on Asgard.

Except, earlier Asgard gets destroyed in Thor: Ragnarok, Loki steals it once more and uses it to teleport himself on to the Asgardian refugee send.

The next stone introduced was the Heed Stone.


The Mind Stone is kept in a Chitauri scepter, which Thanos gives to Loki after Loki's kicked out of Asgard. After the Battle of New York, the scepter is scooped upwards by S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, ends up with Hydra scientists in Sokovia, and is used to give superpowers to Wanda and Pietro Maximoff, as seen in Historic period of Ultron.

Then, finally, the scepter is destroyed and the Mind Stone inside of it gets put in the Vision, where it'southward been e'er since.

So there'south the really weird sorta-stone, the Aether.


The Aether is the super-weird one. Information technology's the Reality Stone and it'south typically presented as floaty red liquid. In fact, until Thor has his magic bath fourth dimension in Age of Ultron, the Aether is never presented as a stone.

Jane Foster finds the Aether in London in Thor: The Night Globe during the 2nd Dark Elf Disharmonize. She accidentally frees it from its container, the Aether Chamber. A bunch of south London gets destroyed, Thor briefly rides the tube, the Dark Elves are defeated, and and then the Asgardians manage to comprise the Reality Stone and get information technology to the Collector, who'southward had it e'er since.

The Infinity Stone we know the almost about is the Power Rock.


We first see the Orb when Star-Lord steals it at the first of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. i. Then Ronan the Accuser, at showtime working for Thanos, gets ahold of it, frees the Power Stone from the Orb, puts it in his hammer, and plans to destroy Xandar with it. Star-Lord and the Guardians cease him, get the Rock back into the Orb, and give it back to the Nova Corps, who have information technology locked in a vault on Xandar.

And finally, we've got the Time Rock.


The Time Rock was locked inside the Eye of Agamotto past the first Sorcerer Supreme, every bit seen in Doctor Strange. Doctor Strange returns the Eye to Kamar-Taj later his battle with Dormammu, assertive he isn't ready to fully control it.

Although! Foreign is wearing the Heart when he meets Thor in Thor: Ragnarok, which seems to imply he's figured out how to properly utilize it now.

Infinity Stones are usually introduced first by their containers. They also appear to have the ability to impact their environments, like the weird glitchy machine park in Thor: The Dark World.


Or like when the Scepter starts to infect everyone'southward minds when they're onboard the Helicarrier in The Avengers.


Heading into Infinity War, we've got a stone with the Asgardians, another in the Vision's caput, i with the Collector, i on Xandar, and one in Manhattan.


In the Infinity War trailer, Thanos is only shown with the Power Stone and the Infinite Stone. RIP Xandar and the Asgardians, I approximate.


Guys, seriously, Loki is then dead in this movie.

And information technology looks like the Black Order, Thanos's goon squad, will strip Vision of his Mind Stone.


This shot likewise gets in the mode of the "Heimdall as the Soul Rock" theory. Having two Infinity Stones pulled out of people in i movie would be a bit much.

We also know from the Infinity War trailer that Thanos goes to Wakanda.


When Thanos is shown fighting Cap, the aforementioned two stones are in his gauntlet. Information technology's prophylactic to assume there's a reason Thanos goes to Wakanda. Like, you know, to go an Infinity Stone.


Another thing to keep in mind is that every motion picture in the Marvel Cinematic Universe is either directly related to S.H.I.East.L.D. and the Avengers or has an Infinity Stone in it.


Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 1 and Doctor Strange appear to exist the only two movies in the MCU that introduce a completely separate storyline without appearances from any Avenger or agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. (except for Thor's teeny-tiny cameo in the post-credits of Doc Strange).

They practise, however, ready up the backstory for an Infinity Stone.

Alright, cool, how are you lot doing? Everyone still with me here? All of this brings u.s. to Black Panther.


Now, Black Panther does accept some characters who have appeared in previous MCU movies, like Martin Freeman's CIA agent, Everett Ross, and Andy Serkis'south Ulysses Klaue. Also, T'Challa was a huge role of Captain America: Civil War. But information technology may be following a pattern that has emerged in the 2d and third phases of the MCU.

If a Due south.H.I.E.L.D. agent or an Avenger doesn't evidence up in the picture show, an Infinity Stone unremarkably does.

And and then far there has been only 1 thing in the MCU that comes close to matching the description in the comics of the Soul Stone: vibranium.


It would make complete sense that the Soul Rock'due south container was the vibranium that crashed in Wakanda.


You might exist proverb to yourself, "But what about the colour?" The vibranium free energy in Wakanda is always shown every bit a bluish-purple.


Well, we know that vibranium in its metallic form tin be silver. Also, Infinity Stone containers have differed in color from their stones earlier. The Chitauri scepter was bluish until it was cracked open up and revealed to be yellowish.

The vibranium meteorite existence the Soul Stone'due south container would besides explain the mutated flowers in Wakanda that are used during the heart-shaped herb ceremony.


The heart-shaped herb checks off a bunch of properties the Soul Stone has in the comics:

• It can trap souls inside of itself in an idyllic pocket dimension, like the Lion King dimension T'Challa goes to during the herb ceremony.

• Its wielder can access the memories and skills of those imprisoned within the pocket dimension, like T'Challa's conversation with his expressionless male parent.

• Information technology can besides revert beings to their natural state, like removing T'Challa's powers.

In this scene, T'Challa has literally been stripped of all of his powers, inside of a pocket dimension, accessing the memories of his dead father.


As well, in this scene, T'Challa comes across Bast, the Wakandan panther god.

One of the major themes of the MCU is that aboriginal religions were based on alien races. It would really make less sense if Bast turned out to be a existent deity and not an alien life form.


It would also create an interesting parallel between Wakandan scientists similar Shuri and Western scientists like Howard Stark.


The whole affair with Wakanda is that they hid from the world for centuries and developed advanced technologically with the help of vibranium. Whereas Howard Stark and S.H.I.E.L.D. got their hands on the Tesseract and tried to turn information technology into a weapon and screwed everything up.

Also, why would Black Panther get involved in the fight confronting Thanos if at that place wasn't a direct link to Wakanda? Remember, this is a kingdom that was totally cool watching from the sidelines while the Chitauri leveled Manhattan.

Anyways, that's my theory. Thanos is headed to Wakanda to get the Soul Stone.

(That and Loki is totally not surviving Infinity War.)



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